Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blog Number One- China and Youth Revolutions

In Class last week it was mentioned briefly that societies in this area are very rule abiding due to the group welfare mentality of the earlier civilizations. This was interesting to me so I researched and found this article on protests in China that are currently going on. The article mentions that it is lead mostly by students and that the protests are centered around the desire for democracy, their dissatisfaction with the current political officials and the vetting done to their elections. The article mentions that this particular protest is the first gathering of individuals with expressly political aims of this size since the Tiananmen protests in 1989. While there is a large amount of time inbetween protests the article goes on to say that China has had youth revolts within it's history, the earliest is thought to be in 1911. It will be interesting to see how the public awareness of these protests will affect the country and the way China as a whole will deal with the dissent of the protests.

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