Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Blog Post 9 Freedom of Speech in India.

Democracy can only function within a system where political competition can flourish, this means the right the to criticize and disagree within the political sphere, this also means that the legal protection for the right to discuss politics must be present. The country of India has been a democracy since 1950 when it became separate from British influence. The political system has hit a few roadblocks, but the continuation of Section 66A has consistently limited the political and speech freedoms of the people of India. Section 66A of the Information Technology Act was controversial as the law prohibits the following through internet communications. it could send a person to jail for three years for sending an email or other electronic message that "causes annoyance or inconvenience". (BBC)  This provided sweeping powers that have already jailed a large number of teenagers and in one case a 45 year old finance specialist for criticising the government or specific politicians. Thus providing the evidence that the powers of this law are vast. This  has led to mass protests and movements in the hope that the law will be removed. The marches and protests are organized and consist mainly of students who see Section 66A has a gross violation of their right to freedom of speech and expression. Recently the Supreme Court of India found Section 66A to be unconstitutional and have ordered that it be removed immediately. There has been much public approval on the Courts decision and many are hopeful as to what that entails for the political future of India.http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-32029369

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